Thursday, September 1, 2016

David Wilcock gets another 2 hours to misinform and mislead

        On Coast-to-Coast AM Tuesday night, David Wilcock wasn't exhibiting very much of that adolescent rage I wrote about in connection with his stint on Other Side of Midnight a month ago. OK, he did at one point say "The cabal folks are using the power of our consciousness against us," but for most of his first hour he was about the sordid business of book marketing. It was pseudo-history rather than pseudo-science--Jason Colavito's territory par excellence. But he strayed into my territory later, when George Noory asked him about the Secret Space Program.

32:45: "We are surrounded by dozens and dozens and dozens of different extraterrestrial civilizations, that not only visit us, but this is their home. And that's a very important point. There is such a need for space--for living space--on the Moon that the back side of the Moon is just developed out as much as you can handle. There's no space left that hasn't been settled--and apparently, according to some insiders we have coming out of the Russian side of thingsnote 1, it's so busy on the night side of the Moon right now that it looks like Manhattan at night. It's just totally loaded with light, because there's so many different groups there."
        So yet again we have a fantasist with no actual knowledge of space science or astronomy telling us fairy stories about the Moon without making any reference to the ultra high definition imagery available online from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Just take a look around those images and you'll quickly see that what Wilcock was telling us is


        To make matters very much worse, Wilcock had the nerve to actually pretend he had done legitimate photo-research.
35:12: "As much as possible I'm bringing in the evidence, I'm bringing in photographic proof --such as what's called the Blair Cuspids, a group of obelisks that were photographed on the Moon. You can see the shadows coming off of 'em, they're clearly obelisks. And there's these rectangular pits in the ground around where they are. And those rectangles would represent rectangular ruins under the surface, that meteors hitting the Moon causing craters have smashed in the roofs, because they're so old that they're kind-of falling apart."
        Well, we've met the Blair Cuspids before, in the context of Ancient Aliens and my bloggery at that time. Here's the image both AA and Wilcock are relying on:

credit: Prometheus Entertainment

        So here's this buffoon, claiming to be a bona fide researcher ("a professional intuitive consultant," in his C2C profile, ha-ha) but relying on an image taken in 1966 with a resolution of a couple of meters. The original complete frame shows the scale of these shadows: they are not towering obelisks but smallish rock formations at a very low sun angle (look at top right of image h2.) "Trekker," a regular reader and commenter here, found the site at 5.0252°N, 15.583°E. Here they are, at double the resolution of the 1966 shot and a much higher sun angle:

What David Wilcock told his audience on Tuesday night is


        What a week for George Noory! Glynis McCants, David Icke, and this. I thought about blogging Icke but I don't think my blood pressure could stand another self-important nincompoop.

[1] What do the Russians have right now, capable of observing the back side of the Moon? Nothing that I'm aware of.


Trekker said...

His comment about the 'night' side of the moon looking 'like Manhattan at night' shows he hasn't thought things through. It must have escaped him that the night side revolves around the moon every month. In fact it's facing us right now. Strange that no astronomer, amateur or professional, has ever seen anything out of the ordinary whenever the 'night' side faces us.

Alienmojo said...

I listened for a few minutes and caught that comment about the back side lit up like Manhattan and nearly laughed my butt off. So is Hoagie still banned from C2C or has he been on since MID started? Wilcock is such an idiot I guess he doesn't bother me as much as Hoagie for some reason. I am thankful, if true, that he isn't on C2C anymore. He didn't deserve that. Not that he deserves his own show either. I loved how on Stuart's Exposing Pseudo-Astronomy podcast he once used Hoagie to prove a point about there being no atmosphere on the moon when John Lear said there was. Now THAT was funny. Keep up the blogs Expat!

expat said...

I don't believe Hoagland will ever repair his relationship with C2C and he probably doesn't even want to at this point. He has his own chat-show now, The Other Side of Midnight. That is, when he shows up for it. Last night he stayed in bed and handed the mic to that snake Robert Morningstar.

On a slightly-connected note I must say I'm really disappointed in Bob Zimmerman as the new "science adviser." I like Bob a lot (apart from his politics) but he's made no noticeable contribution for about a year. In my view a science adviser to that show should be keeping them a bit more honest, even vetoing poppycock like David Wilcock just trotted out. A regular show -- say once every two weeks -- in which the science adviser reviews recent shows for accuracy would be great.

Binaryspellbook said...

Ah, David Wilcock and his deep insiders who of course have the highest security clearance, the highest bona fides, and the highest integrity. I wonder how Wilcock vets them. He claims to have a method, but never actually describes what it is. I also wonder why any "insider" would choose to speak exclusively to such a flagrant lair such as Wilcock. Remember, this is the man who predicted on several occasions disclosure, ascension into light beings and other mumbo-jumbo. Then when it didn't happen he archived his website, dyed his hair and laid low for a time before reappearing and spouting more bullshit.

Lately he has been running with the Corey Goode claptrap.

Corey Goode

Co-host of Cosmic Disclosure, Corey Goode is an intuitive empath (IE) with precognitive abilities, who currently works in the information technology and communications industries.

Identifying his talents at an early age, Corey Goode was recruited to a MILAB Program, a term coined for the military abduction of a person that is indoctrinated and trained for black ops programs, at six years old. Goode continued his work in the MILAB program for nearly ten years, with his IE abilities playing an important role, especially when assigned to an intuitive empath support role for a rotating earth delegate seat (shared by Secret Earth Government Groups) in a ?Human Type? ET Super Federation Council.

Fuck sake.....

OneBigMonkey said...

Just to clarify the Blair Cuspids thing again:

They are not near Tycho crater, that is just the photo that Ancient Aliens chose to use instead of checking their facts - they were lazy. The Cuspids are actually shown in a Lunar Orbiter 2 image west of the Sea of Tranquility, and are beloved the the UFO crowd because of some special geometry or something.

Whichever version you look at, Apollo 11 didn't go anywhere near them or descending to or ascending from the surface, and the Cuspids would have been in darkness at the time of the landing.

Moving on from that, it always baffles my why people don't actually go to sources that do exist for lunar imagery. Even if they don't like NASA, they can choose from Chinese, Japanese or Indian images, all of which are free to download and analyse. You will not find any alien presence in any of them.

Dan said...

Is there any reliable way to determine which among these crackpots and charlatans truly believe their own bullshit, and which ones are fraudsters who actually know better but are only concerned with selling books to the intellectually deficient?

expat said...

Dan: That's an oft-discussed conundrum. I don't claim any special insight.

Chris Lopes said...

I'm not sure any of them really believe it. When you claim "insider contacts" that can't possibly exist, you are either lying or dangerously delusional. I think it's all a game. I just don't know how much of the audience is in on the con.

Dee said...

"32:45: "We are surrounded by dozens and dozens and dozens of different extraterrestrial civilizations"

If he just would stop there, some theory could still be proposed as possibility in a serious way. Like the recent submission to arXiv.

The Galactic Club, or Galactic Cliques? Exploring the limits of interstellar hegemony and the Zoo Hypothesis
Duncan H Forgan

The Zoo solution to Fermi's Paradox proposes that extraterrestrial intelligences (ETIs) have agreed to not contact the Earth. The strength of this solution depends on the ability for ETIs to come to agreement, and establish/police treaties as part of a so-called "Galactic Club". (..) We find in our models for a single Galactic Club to establish interstellar hegemony, the number of civilisations must be relatively large, the mean civilisation lifetime must be several millions of years, and the inter-arrival time between civilisations must be a few million years or less.

See, it's possible to seriously speculate on this. But it needs some reasoning on top of the idea itself.

Chris Lopes said...

Speculating on that kind of thing is not only possible, it can be very entertaining. I can well imagine a talk with someone like Neil degrasse Tyson, on something like The Space Show, going in that direction. It'd be great radio for sure.
A guy like Wilcox though, is more interested in selling books and filling woo-conference seats than serious discussion. Among other things, he's not really equipped for that kind talk. Which is why you will always get the "I talked to a guy who was on the Earth delegation to the Galactic Council" type of talk. He's playing to an audience who want to believe they are in on a great big secret world.

Unknown said...

Rob Shelsky is another one of these guys who has no interest in genuine discussion. When he was on Midnight in the Desert a few nights ago he talked about Alexander the Great's flying saucer encounter, so I sent him a very polite and courteous email about how there are no historical texts that mention such a thing. I also gave him a link to an article that completely debunks it, but he wasn't having it. Instead of responding to me he made a defensive remark on the show about people sending him challenging emails. He can go fuck himself. I have nothing but contempt for people like him who talk about how much they value "evidence" while having no intellectual integrity whatsoever.

expat said...

Right on, Thomas. In his second hour last week, Wilcock said "I don't care what the skeptics say. I didn't write my book for them." Both Mike Bara and Kerry Cassidy have shut down comments on their blogs. It's "LA-LA-LAAAAA I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

vonmazur said...

A few night later...John Titor and all that goes with it....Sounded like two guys trying to sell a book....Whenever these people start with; "He sounded sincere" or "I believe him..." One just knows that the whole thing is most likely a scam or a book selling enterprise...Another painful night listening to this woo....

expat said...

I "spoke" too soon about Bob Zimmerman. There he was last night, doing a very good job and discounting the ridiculous idea -- being shopped around by all the usual loonies -- that Falcon was zapped by a UFO.

Unknown said...

"Intuitive consultant"...hahaha, and I mean that's lulzy as hell. I was in the military and my specialty required a clearance application. In the States, at least, an applicant lists various history going back ten years or when they were 18 years old; whichever was closest. My first taxable job at 18 was working in a big pet store. So I put something like "quadrupedal canine direction guidance specialist" (dog walker and exerciser). To the credit of whoever reviews these things, I had my application knocked back for "further clarification", plus a stern lecture from my units security officer.

Chris Lopes said...

Well "intuitive consultant" does sound better than bullshit artist, which is his real job title.

Bezalel said...

Response to Trekker
If what is meant by "night side of the moon" is what is more generally termed "dark side of the moon", then your understanding is incorrect. We on earth never see the dark side, as it never faces us.

If you meant something else, well then you could be right.

And I am not in any way defending the deluded mind of nutjob David Wilcock

Bezalel out

"...matter of fact it's all dark..."

expat said...

« We on earth never see the dark side, as it never faces us. »

Sure we do. During new moon every month.

expat said...

Jason Colavito reviews Wilcock's new book in three parts, starting here:

It's depressing stuff, and it makes you pity poor David.

Unknown said...

The review does make Wilshlock sound like a wannabe cult leader, so that makes him potentially dangerous, but whatever pity I might have had for him was snuffed out when he started claiming to be the literal reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, kind of like Aleister Crowley claiming to be the reincarnation of Eliphas Levi.

Unknown said...

A new member of our book group recommended The Synchronicity Key for his choice of book. He said he learned so much from the book and that the author had proved the existence of God. As an atheist I thought this I have to see. Currently midway through the book and I can not believe what an idiot Wilcock is. I have spent most of my time reading this book shaking my head and eye rolling. Came looking for information to help my debunk this fraud when our book group meets. AHHHHHH seriously having trouble typing am so angry and disgusted by this book. Thanks for the info.

Unknown said...

I think Wilcock is crazy enough to believe his own nonsense, but selling his ridiculous books is probably a goal as well. No matter how many times his crazy predictions fail to materialize he still sells books!

Unknown said...

New moon or full, same side faces us

Unknown said...

Unless you mean that during new moon the side which always faces us is now in the dark. ...?
Then ok

expat said...

That is what I meant, yes.