Friday, January 13, 2012

Yet another unfinished Hoagland project?

        We have Sacred  Mysteries to, er... thank (?) for slapping five and a half hours of Hoagland & Bara onto Youtube in 34 parts, under the generic title Never A Straight Answer. What did Youtube do to deserve such punishment, you may well ask. I don't know the answer. Let's face it, poor old Youtube is subjected to daily indignities—some even worse than this rubbish.

        This turns out to be a really, really bad video of a presentation our two all-too-fallible authors gave in Los Angeles in November 2007, just after Dark Mission almost made it to the NYT best-seller list ("It can only go up from there," Hoagland said very early in the presentation. Wrong again, Hoagland — it crashed out of the extended list the following week.) The audio is never crisp, the lighting is barbaric, and the camera only very rarely captures the Powerpointery, so most of the time we don't know what's being referred to. Actually, those of us who have subjected ourselves to the experience of reading Dark Mission hardly need the visuals, because the whole thing is very much like a summary of the book.

        And indeed, we get treated to all the errors in the book, starting with "NASA is not a civilian agency" (at 02:15 in Part 5) and moving on through Cydonia, the failed Mars missions of the 90s (which James Oberg has expounded upon rather brilliantly,) and the blue blob in the lunar sky which this blog took a fresh look at just last month. But what caught my interest in Part 1 (at 03:00) was a quick insert of two shots from what Hoagland said was a new documentary, hosted by himself and produced by someone he only referred to as "Jay" but is probably Jay Weidner. Hoagland claimed that this documentary would teach us
"...things about Washington, and Lincoln, ...that have never been put on film by anyone in the history of the human species."
        Actually, the visuals were pretty good (albeit on video, not film,) showing Hoagland himself at the Lincoln Memorial at dawn, plus a reverse angle looking back toward the Capitol. We didn't hear what RCH was saying, as he walked toward camera with hands in what TV directors call "the fig-leaf position," but it looked promising.

 Image credit:
        Well, here we are over four years later, and where is this documentary? A search of the catalogs of Sacred Mysteries and Filmbaby comes up empty. Besides, Hoagland has never been shy about promoting anything he has for sale. If it was finished, we'd be hearing about it from him.

        So it looks like this is another Hoagland abortion, like the Joshua Tree Conference, Moon With a View, The Bees' Needs, Von Braun's Secret. WHAT IS IT ABOUT HOAGLAND AND HIS ATTENTION SPAN?


Anonymous said...

I think I know a man who can send you this documentary - all you have to do is paypal $19.50 to and it should be dispatched sometime to you between now and when "something wonderful" happens...

Binaryspellbook said...

Show us the mud logs. Enough said for those of us who have been following this blog. This self proclaimed "big man" expert on all things sciency extrapolates the word FAIL into unfathomable regions. His congregation however remain unperturbed. Confident in the belief that the big man, alone and erect in a sea of deception, lies and intrigue. Is the single beacon of light who truly understands the big picture.

Chris Lopes said...

While Hoagland does seem to have ADS when it comes to "papers" and such, I suspect this one was not of his choosing exactly. I'm sure he had every intention of finishing this (yet another boring ass) video, but the money and/or audience interest (they are connected) probably ran out. That's the problem with a business plan that counts on an ever changing (and never ending) line of BS. If you don't get it out fast, your audience is already onto other things. Hoagland's brand of nonsense has a very short shelf life. I mean does anyone REALLY want to hear about Obama the HD President now?

expat said...

By the way, I had not noticed that Sacred Mysteries has also restored to Youtube most of the video of Hoagland & Johnston at the National Press Club, 29th October 2007.

It's in 14 parts, starting here. Dwayne Day's write-up is probably the funniest thing The Space Review ever posted.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Secret Space Program conference in Amsterdam in April 2011 and the follow-up conference in Leeds in the summer - both of which were "ready to be released" on dvd and in high quality etc, so those who did not attend could see RCH's material...

Of course, almost a year on from the first one, and it is nowhere to be seen, and probably never will be. There is some poor-audio recordings from the conferences on youtube, but no visual stuff.

I asked RCH about this twice on FB and even Robin (his wife/girlfriend) twice on FB, always being told "it's in the works but the costs are delaying production".

Another presentation we'll never see I'm sure... (although i'm pretty sure I can guess at the content)

Chris Lopes said...

Thanks for the Dwayne Dye piece. I especially liked the paragraph that begins "Hoagland’s conspiracy theory goes something like this:". You really start to understand just how bat guano crazy it all is when it's described all at once. With Hoagland, the severest form of ridicule is to simply state what he claims to believe.

It's the shelf life thing again. His 911 theories won't get him air time on C2C, and neither will anything he has to say about Elenin/Yu55. So there isn't much incentive for anyone to produce a DVD of either work. I think Hoagland understands this, which is why he pressed so hard for the online video feed of Irvine. He knew he'd never get a DVD out there in time to take advantage of the audience interest.

expat said...

Another possible reason for this passel of unfinished video projects is that Hoagland is so difficult to work with that editors just walk out on him.

Chris Lopes said...

If Hoagland exhibits the same "I'm the (unqualified) expert here" attitude with them as he does everyone else, that may well be true. I mean there has to be a reason there is no Dark Mission Part 2 or the much promised book with Joseph Farrell. Hoagland just doesn't play well with others.

Binaryspellbook said...

Managed to get to part 3. Is this a record?

Chris Lopes said...

So far that beats my record. I can't bring myself to even look at part 1. I've seen Bara speak (in a 90 minute video) about DM, I sat through the 3 hour Project Camelot Hoagland interview (which, if done to a terrorist suspect, would be considered a war crime), and I've read the book. Enough is enough for me thanks.

Binaryspellbook said...

I posted on Bara's facebook page a question or two regarding his horrible physics. That culminated in me being banned. But not before Mikes twin bro had challenged me to a real life fight. Seriously. I have the screenshots.

expat said...

I may as well confess that I didn't make it to the end either.

Brother Dave is very loyal, yes indeed. He posted an absolutely brilliant review of 'The Choice' on Goodreads. LOL.

Binaryspellbook said...

Didn't Dave do something similar with Dark Mission. Gave it a "stunning" review. LOL

Here is a screenshot demonstrating Dave's loyalty.

Chris Lopes said...

Apparently Dave shares his brother's talent for brilliant and sophisticated come backs. Dave is definitely Mike's twin in every sense of the word.

Chris Lopes said...

I was just listening to Hoagland's C2C "update" from Friday. It appears that the whole "Phobos Grunt secretly going to YU55" story line has been dropped and we are now dealing with a narrative that says Phobos Grunt was taken out by the
(wait for it..............)

Hoagland's "evidence" for this is the statement made by a Russian general that "other powers" now have the ability to interfere with spacecraft. Now a rational reasonable human being who knew a little history of the Cold War might come to the conclusion the Russian was talking about the US or maybe even the Chinese. Not our Hoagie though, he's nobody's (well maybe Robin's) fool. He just knows the general was talking about villains from a Robert Heinlein children's book.

Biological_Unit said...

If you can only be good at one thing, be good at lying… because if you’re good at lying, you’re good at everything.

Biological_Unit said...

Don’t forget, you are ONEist retarded,

1 perspective voids your opposite rationale.

Updating, but I may just quit, ONEist

humans just not worth the effort –

without 1 donation in 14 years on web.

I'm glad to read that! Some nutcase is being ignored! Gene Ray is Schizophrenic!

Binaryspellbook said...

Had Phobos grunt disappeared from radar, burning up and dropping into the ocean. It would of course be on it's way to rendezvous with YU55.

Since it dropped into the ocean and landed where the Russians apparently dump their space-junk. It's not surprising that Hoagland played the space nazi card. We expected that after all didn't we.

I wonder what will be next to get the 19.5 treatment. What will be the next "stunning confirmation" of his smudgy pixelly things.

Binaryspellbook said...

Go on. Have a laugh.

Anonymous said...

I think Chris is having a mental lapse - at no point did RCH say the Grunt was on it's way to Phobos! That's just a wild and crazy accusation against a man who does not make predictions... (unless, er, at some point there might have been a secret Grunt double, and a swticheroo has happened: one for public consumption, the other, secretly on its way to meet with our ancestors aboard YU55 - in which case remember: RCH was the *FIRST* to break this ground-breaking, history changing story!)

Anonymous said...

I'm kidding, of course. If it doesn't go up to meet with ancient spaceships to get a message for King Barry, then it must come down, in which case it was those evil space nazis all along!!... (with unconfirmed reports of possible help from General Zod)

Anonymous said...

(come to think of it... maybe the space nazis shot it down with their hyperdimensional ray guns because they were pretty pissed off over the festive period... if only high-emperor barry would have sent them a christmas card, all of this might have been avoided!)

Chris Lopes said...

Perhaps they read the secret message embedded in the card he did send and interpreted it as a declaration of war. Not everyone has Hoagland's talent for seeing the REAL messages in such things.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Chris, perhaps!

(Does anyone know how to send mail to the moon: if we could FedEx a copy of "Dark Mission" or an Awake & Aware DVD to those nazis, maybe a crises might be averted...??)

Anonymous said...

Admittedly, I'm a bit behind on "space news" and what Hoagie has been saying over the last week or so, but I don't suppose the Phobos Grunt fell out of the sky and hit an Italian cruise liner by any chance did it?... (surely the ship must be at a 19.5 degree angle to SOMETHING significant?)

Chris Lopes said...

He hasn't been saying much and for quite some time. The space Nazi thing was last week (and he, self promoter that he is, never mentioned it on his FB page), but beyond that, he's been silent. Perhaps he's getting ready to ditch the FB page the way he did The Enterprise Mission chat area.

Anonymous said...

Hoagie ditch his FB page?! NEVER!... How else would he be able to see 30,000 disciples hanging on his every word and screaming "love me, love me, Richard" with every theory-confirming comment they make, 24 hours a day?!... Unless of course, his ego is so big, he doesn't even need the cult following anymore to convince him he is bang on the money...?! (He is on the pseudo celebrity circuit, after all).

Plus, he didn't ditch Enterprise Mission - the, er, space nazis/nasa hacked him with a hyperdimensional password-guesser and locked him out of his own webpage because he was getting too close to revealing the truth to too many people!!... :-o

Anonymous said...

If Hoagie is silent for a week+ on his FB page you can just be he is preparing two narratives/theories for all/any recent goings on: (1) stuff is either publicly or secretly being sent to mars/yu55 etc, or... (2) stuff is NOT being sent to mars/yu55 publicly or secretly and we must ask why (ie space nazis!!).

I honestly think he literally has two entire stories pre-written out, and just fits the events to whichever he can get more out of - so long as it makes "reasonable sense and logic" to the followers.

Chris Lopes said...

Multiple story lines with multiple endings makes perfect sense since that's how he usually plays it. I just don't think he needs all this time to come up with them. He had to know Phobos Grunt was coming down eventually, so he had the space Nazis waiting in the wings to make their entrance. I just think that with the level of people he has left, he no longer considers them worth the effort. They'll be there anyway, so why bother doing any work.

Anonymous said...

Well put Chris (as always). His FB "fans" number is always on the up, although it's hardly rocketing. I suspect you are right to quite a large degree - Hoagie could say anything or absolutely nothing and his beloveds will find rationale for it...

I guess he's finally "made it big"... (er, sort of).

(Makes me wonder if there will be a new book or dvd out come close of 2012, with the whole Elenin / Yu55 / reincarneted horus / mayan calendar etc wrapped up in a neat little bow... once he's found a HD explanation for "news worthy" events between now and then)

expat said...

I see where Mike Bara is congratulating himself on his 4,000th FB "friend." Many of them could be the Las Vegas crowd -- strippers, hookers, baristas, cougars.

Chris Lopes said...

That certainly sounds like a more interesting crowd than Hoagland hangs out with.

Trekker said...

The fans are getting anxious that he's gone AWOL. I wonder if he's taking the example of the Italian cruise ship captain - abandon ship and hope nobody notices.

Anonymous said...

I hope Captain Enterprise isn't AWOL for too long or his 29500 lap dogs might get bored. Heaven forbid they should even try to think for themselves (that IS a crazy idea!!), they'll probably just post one conspiracy-related youtube video after another whilst looking for something wonderful to come.

Oh, wait, it's already like that!

Chris Lopes said...

I think the number to watch on Hoagland's FB page is the "talking about this" number. The "like this" number is just number of people who (out of curiosity) have "liked" the page to take a look at things. The "talking about this" number represents real activity (posting and linking) on the page. That one has been going down for the past couple of weeks at least. It's getting quite boring in there. So much so that Trekker's idea of Hoagland abandoning ship seems more than plausible.

Anonymous said...

Ah, thanks for tip Chris. I'm not much of a "facebooker" but I'd not really noticed the "discussing this" section (I would guess it is for people putting "@Richard" in their comments?!).

It's a valid possibility Trekker raises, but I can't see RCH just abandoning it - it a big medium to reach an audience, too much of a following has been built through it, the faithful are too numerous in boosting his ego to simply leave it behind: they hang on his every word, accept everything he says as absolute fact with zero question (after all, we've seen his "dissenters" and questioners get banned time and time again) - it's not like he's on C2C every night, or a lecture circuit, or has "something better" on the go -like his own chat forum and "bulletin board" on his own website (in which case I could understanding him ditching FB) - or even that enough people agree he has been called out one too many times (exposing the "lie at every level" IS his life's work, don't forget).

It's certainly a possibility, sure: I respect both yours and Trekker's opinion, and I'd love for the RCH nonsense to either disappear or be replaced by FACTS. However I think -for now- I shall maintain my position that RCH has not simply walked away, but is "working on something" to fit to current/upcoming events, something 2012/barry related, something mars/constellation related, or moon missions - after all, the "good stuff" for 2012 doesn't happen for 11 more months yet; so I think the first half of the year will be quieter than the second half, but I have no doubt he will be back on his page with a BULLETIN as soon as time-relevant new info is ready. "Make no wine before it's time", as he likes to say...

Ironically, it will be interesting to "stay tuned" to see just when/if he does return to facebookland, and with what "ground-breaking" info...

Anonymous said...

That said...... right now, the news is more SOPA/NDAA focused than "failing mars rockets" (which some might say is a deliberate distraction from asking WHY the Phobos stuff fails, or asking WHY we've not seen those close-up photos of YU55 yet) - perhaps a reason for him to be more quiet than usual?...

Plus, Richard likes to stay away politics as much as he can - unless he can find the best straw-grabbing excuse for the destroying of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, deliberate collapse and militarization of America by his beloved barry o' teleprompter 19.5, then he simply will not be "publicly available" to be asked his thoughts on such a thing. (Not when we can be shouting at those evil space nazis for zapping stuff out the sky).

I know this, because about six months back, I conversed with RCH over facebook wall posts about a comment he made which basically said barry was earth's saviour (literally!!), and when I challenged his post, point by point out, hard fact by hard fact, very methodically, line for line of every lie his beloved Hawaiian god had told from 2007-2011 Richard's reponse was -almost word for word- "none of that is relevant because we haven't seen all the information yet".

The man's dismissive and delusion to reality, let alone his ridiculous bias is beyond words. Once the whole SOPA/NDAA disappears from the news day in day out (just like the Occupy Movement that was caused by Elenin's "consciousness awakening" mission is no longer front page stuff), he'll be back... talking about duplicate space missions and space nazis to his sheeple... with not 1 single question being asked to Captain Enterprise about his beloved barry and *real* news.

Chris Lopes said...

The Obama as Savior thing hasn't had much traction from even Hoagland's most loyal of fans. The biggest laugh of his Irvine presentation came when he showed a picture of the Sphinx with Obama's face superimposed on it. Talk about unintentional humor.

You are right that he doesn't do politics much. It's a dangerous subject as most people have very set beliefs about such things, beliefs they aren't all that willing to give up. The tend to resent some guy with a beard and bad hair telling them he has the answers in an area they see themselves as experts in.

The other problem is that political reality has a habit of changing very quickly. What looked like one thing going in can turn out very differently. Your example of the OWS movement is spot on. To that, I'd add the "Arab Spring". In both cases, the "awakening" may turn out to be less than advertised. That's the kind of falsifiability that Hoagland can't handle.

Binaryspellbook said...

It will be an interesting year now that both Richard Dolan and Dr Joseph Farrell have decided to speak out against the likes of Hoagland and Wilcock.

Like the rest of us they are sick to the back teeth of these "circuit liars."

Lets hope they go for the jugular. No pussyfooting about.

Chris Lopes said...

I didn't know Farrell was also dissing "The Captain". I knew they were supposed to be doing a book together (sometime in the distant past) that never actually happened. I figured Farrell just realized he'd be doing most of the work and backed out. I didn't know he had problems with what Hoagland is trying to sell.

Chris Lopes said...

I actually tried to watch this one (Never A Straight Answer), but I just couldn't make it past "it's #22 on the NYT Best Seller list, 22 is 2 X 11!" Sorry, but I value my computer monitor too much to risk destroying it in a fit of outrage.