Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Zombie Ziggy, Day 3

        First and most important, everyone should see Stuart Robbins' update of the video destroying Richard Hoagland's claims. He's really taken pains over this and done a first-class job.

        Second, as noted in comments to yesterday's post, Hoagland is unapologetic about his lies (oh what a surprise) and comments "I find it fascinating the amount of vitriol my posting this simple image on "Coast" seems to have caused" That's not vitriol, Richard, it's scientific review and criticism. "Vitriol" would be, for example, telling a (male) critic that he would qualify as John Travolta's masseuse.  Or simply writing "You're a fucking moron." Like Mike Bara does.

        But the plum of the day (so far, Wednesday still has a long way to go in my time zone) is Mike Bara's own blog post.  It's absolutely hilarious.

"...this isn't even the most interesting thing on the image. Can you find the tank? Can you find the gun emplacement? Can you find the flying saucer in a hanger[sic] recessed inside a mountain?"

        Oh, read it for yourself and please comment to Mike, if you can get through the captchas that are reminiscent of junkyard dogs. This was my own comment, which I reproduce here in the certainty that it'll never appear there:

 "Mike, the people who have been "attacking" RCH over the ziggy fiasco are not haters or morons. The principal critics are a) A Ph.D. and trained astronomer who has published on lunar cratering in peer-reviewed journals, and b) Another Ph.D. who works as a design engineer.

I absolutely _knew_ you would claim that the online version had been altered. I predicted it in yesterday's 'Emoluments of Mars' blog. YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY SUSTAIN that lame idea. The amount of noise on your faked up version is at least five times what it is on the original.

As to your further claim that "it's my Ziggurat" -- were you the source of the version that was posted on Holloworbs in (I believe) 2003?

Mike, you have chosen to write on scientific topics without having the education or knowledge to do so accurately. The predictable result is that you have made absolutely unforgivable factual errors. It does no good whatsoever for you to then insult your critics and accuse them of being homosexual as though that were an insult. When you make gross errors in science, your errors are going to be pointed out. It's not a question of hate, and I assure you none of your critics is afraid of you, or "scared of the truth" as you often claim. Facts are what they are, and I for one intend to continue pointing that out. Any way I can."
Mike Bara just facebooked: "I found it on the web but I don't know who did the original enhancement." So now we know—Both Hoagland & Bara are claiming some other person's work as their own. Business as usual.


Binaryspellbook said...

Expat, THIS is the sort of people Hoagland has following him. It's so ridiculous and cult-like.

Anonymous said...

Or........ perhaps NASA is trying to hide this zig-o-naut thing by ALLOWING Hoagie to talk about it a little bit at this time (and when I say NASA, I mean those good guys on the inside obviously) - and then bury the story when the Curiosity rover lands on the tetrahedral crater in 11 days (anyone who has read DM knows 11 is really HD code for 19.5), uses its nuclear power system to explore ancient alien apartment buildings and underground structures, so that emperor barry - i mean, er, the 12st century re-incarnated egyptian pharoah god can announce to the world the existence of biological life on mars... as per C2C announcement........

Maybe those ancient mars aliens now live in the lunar zigomatic...??

I wont be staying tuned too much...

Esteban Navarro said...

"That's what liars do. Liars also assume that others who disagree with them are liars, too, right Expat?" So thrill us with your arguments ,snooty little bastard!

Well, at least has not called you "fagot" as the fascist-apprentice riotous he is.
I will never do interact in any way with this little rube guy. As one british friend with whom I shared a flat in Madrid when I was a student used to say:He´s disgusting and revolting.

expat said...

Yes, disgusting. But let's not be tempted into the ad hominem arena. It's fairly amazing that he hasn't allowed any comments at all into the blog -- I mean, we all knew he wouldn't let mine be seen, but surely others must have commented by now?

Chris Lopes said...

If Bara doesn't know the source of the original "enhanced" image, who is he planning to credit it to in his book?

Also, I find it amusing that Hoagland (again) stealing someone else's material, is now forced to help promote that other person's work. Whatever else comes out of this, Bara is getting some notice from people who are normally listening to Hoagland. Hoagy is handing his audience over to Bara on a silver platter. Time to get some popcorn I think.

expat said...

Of course Bara will allow his readers to think this was all his own work.

I really wonder if the publisher should be informed....

FlightSuit said...

Expat, Bara is calling you out on Facebook! Comic gold screen shots here:

Somebody named Donny is being called a douchebag because he dared confront Bara, but it appears maybe Bara is going to block him, as he does say "buh bye" to Donny:

Lastly, it appears you suckers have walked into some kind of trap. According to this post, Mike Bara has set you up to make fools of yourselves:

I'm sorry to be the one to break the news to you.

strahlungsamt said...

Mikey's little rebuttal here. Pure comedy gold:

First of all, it is not Hoagland's Ziggurat, it's my Ziggurat. I'm the one who found it, I'm the one who named it, I'm the one who researched it, I'm the one who sent it to him, and it's going to be in my new book, Ancient Aliens on the Moon: so if you are going to accuse someone of fraud, it should be me not him. All Hoagy has done is improve on the image I sent him. Second, I do not know the source of the original enhancement,.....

Biological_Unit said...

Like Mike Bara does

Correction - AS Mike Bara does.

No one will print your book if it isn't perfect! This is the Debunker's burden ...

Binaryspellbook said...

So Mike doesn't know the source of the original enhancement. He found it on the web. But he can categorically state that it is real, and the actual NASA unenhanced image is fake. What poppycock is this.

Ridiculous. And the saps on his page are lapping it up.

FlightSuit said...

It's so funny to see him competing with Hoagland by getting all proprietary about that image, yet in the same breath presenting it as if he's helping Hoagland by taking the heat off him.

And then culminating in, "I deserve credit for that image because it's mine, even though I have no idea where it came from."

Is Bara suffering from severe short term memory loss? Like, to the point where he can't remember the lie he was telling at the beginning of a paragraph, so he contradicts himself in the very next sentence?

Biological_Unit said...

I deserve credit for that image because it's mine, even though I have no idea where it came from.

What a bullshitter.

Trekker said...


“Somebody named Donny is being called a douchebag because he dared confront Bara, but it appears maybe Bara is going to block him, as he does say "buh bye" to Donny:”

Flightsuit, I can fill in the gap there.

As you point out here,, Donny had made two uncomplimentary posts. Dave Bara used Mike’s favourite derogatory term to have a go at him, and then Donny responded, asking Dave if he knew what an annular eclipse was, as his brother didn’t.

That’s where Mike retorts with this:

He had just removed Donny’s comment, and was probably telling him he’d banned him.

Geo said...

It's not only a wonder but a shock to me that Bara and Hoagland have *any* credibility remaining. Not that they ever really had that much to begin with...

On a similar note to the ziggurat photo, does anyone know the genesis of *this* ridiculous thing from Hoagland's website?

Seems to me he's used it times as 'proof' of structures on the moon, but, as always, fails to explain where or how he came by it.

(And speaking of guard dog-like captchas... took four times to post this...)

expat said...

Yes, towers-full.jpg is yet another laughing stock. A plainer case of "dirty scanner glass" is hard to imagine.

Oh, I'm really sorry about the captchas, I didn't know. I'll look around the dashboard to see if I can ease them off.

expat said...

OK, turned captchas off. There isn't a setting for "make em easier." If I get spammed I may have to turn them back on.

Binaryspellbook said...

I invited a very good friend of mine to have a look at Bara and Hoagland's work. She is an infuriatingly difficult person to argue with. Being a philosophy grad and all that jazz. Should be interesting if the fatlad and his bearded bumchum enter into a dialogue.

Will Bara call a woman, gay, or a douchebag ? Will he perhaps hit on her, citing himself as driving a 7 series beamer and being a NYT best selling author ? - time will tell.

Jiminy Oddbird said...

"As though" homosexual were an insult?

Fagot, queer, and gay, are the only politically correct designations for fruit cakes, nowadays.