Monday, September 11, 2017

Mike Bara goes the full delusion

        Yesterday Mike Bara came up with another vlog, eagerly lapped up by his admirers (all four of them), in which he attempted to connect hurricanes Harvey and Irma to the recent eclipse. He also explained that hurricanes are GOOD because they create jobs.

        For data support, he cited perhaps the most unreliable source imaginable—namely, Richard Hoagland's Accutron readingsnote 1 at Coral Castle during the Venus transit of 8th June 2004. Bara said that what was significant about Hoagland's data was that the disturbance created by the transit event continued after the event was over. So, you know, seeking to justify his link between a solar eclipse on 21 August and the formation of Harvey (17 August) and Irma (30 August).

        So is it true that the disturbance persisted? If so, you'd never know it from Hoagland's data which only continue for approximately another hour. Would-be interpreters of Hoagland's data are somewhat thwarted by the facts that (a) he got the time of the transit wrong,note 2 and (b) he has published two different and incompatible traces. First was this one:

credit: Richard Hoagland

        He said fourth contact happened at 07:21 (all times EDT), and the trace continues until approximately 08:20. His second attempt was this:

credit: Richard Hoagland

        Note that both traces show a spike to 364.474 Hz at what Hoagland (wrongly) calls the time of third contact, but then the first version shows three spikes to 360.53, 360.42 and 360.30 Hz respectively. The second version has two following spikes to 360.7 at times that are not the same as those of the first version, and does not even continue until the transit is over at fourth contact.

        So what should we say about Mike Bara's idea that the eclipse was linked to a hurricane that developed four days earlier, and that Hoagland's data support a link between the eclipse and a different hurricane nine days later? Poppycock is the word that comes to mind. Certainly not science.

The magic number
         A second thread that Bara picked up was also Hoagland-based. He told us that both Harvey and Irma developed at a latitude of 19.5°N, and that is the latitude at which "hyperdimensional energy" is permanently available on any spinning sphere such as a planet.note 3

        Well, let's see. Harvey developed from a tropical wave East of the Lesser Antilles. Those islands stretch all the way from Anguilla (18.2°N)  in the North to Grenada (12.07°N) in the South. Irma developed near the Cape Verde Islands (15.06°N). FAIL. Hurricane José is next in line, currently gathering strength at roughly 15°N. FAIL AGAIN.

        Perhaps Mikey believes that merely by passing through that latitude, hurricanes pick up power. In fact, that's the implication of the way he phrased it. Does he think meteorologists and hurricane-trackers would not notice this effect?

        At one point in the vlog, Bara held up a copy of his 2011 book The Choice, saying "I explained the significance of 19.5 in this book." What he actually wrote, in justification of the idea, is that the following planetary features are at 19.5° latitude:
  • Neptune's Great Dark Spot
  • The Great Red Spot of Jupiter
  • The erupting volcanoes of Jupiter's moon Io
  • Olympus Mons on Mars
  • Mauna Kea volcano
        Know how many of those are actually at 19.5? NONE OF THE ABOVE. If he'd written Mauna Loa instead of Mauna Kea he'd have got one right.

        None of the top ten volcanic eruptions in history, and none of the most destructive earthquakes, have been at 19.5°. The case for instantly available energy at that latitude is not merely weak but non-existent.

An actress speaks
          Jennifer Lawrence opines that Irma is nature's payback for electing a chump named Trump. In his vlog, Bara advised JL to "leave the science to the science people". I think he should do exactly that.

Further reading
         Since Mike is a doctrinaire climate change denier, and mocked climate science as "bullshit" in this vlog, here's an antidote.

Scientist Slams Climate Change Deniers In Brilliant Viral Post --Katharine Hayhoe's take-down of people just like Mike Bara who put their faith in pseudoscience.

=====================/ \================
[1] For a briefing on what "Accutron readings" are, see this.

[2] Hoagland reported third contact at 07:03:53, but this table issued by NASA Goddard says it was 07:07:33 at Miami, same longitude as Homestead.

[3] For a derivation of the 19.5 figure, see this blogpost. Simple enough geometry that neither Mike Bara nor Richard Hoagland is capable of.


THE Orbs Whiperer said...

The recent foul weather in Texas and Florida, amounts to about a third of a trillion dollars. It might create jobs, but banks waived the standard requirement for flood insurance, so there's no money to pay for repairs. As businesses have been destroyed along with homes, there will be a net loss of jobs. Banks have lent all deposits to speculators in oil futures, which have decreased drastically in value with insolvent speculators unable to make margin calls. Banks will foreclose and go broke, because Government has no money for further bailouts. That's not to mention that robots cost seventy five cents per hour to operate, and are replacing cheap migrant labor, engineers and administrators. The good news is, that nobody will have any money with which to buy Mike Barass' books.

expat said...

Congratulations Thea—an intelligent, well-expressed, and as far as I know accurate, comment. Keep it up, please.

Two Percent said...

That's good news?

How am I gonna light my camp fires, without a key (recycled, semi-eco-friendly) component of my handy prep-packs of fire lighting material for my Emergency Survival Kits?

Actually, I 98% agree with expat.

Great post, interesting, informative, well said, current and right on topic.

And a nice sting in the tail! ;-)

Keep that up and you could easily displace Bara's market share...

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of bullshit!!! :)

Purpleivan said...

So... if hurricane damage is good for jobs, but has the pesky issue of loss of life and injury, how about organised wrecking teams tearing through cities smashing up everything in their path.

Given how good this is for employment, you'd think that communities would welcome the wreckers with open arms, I mean their doing their bit for the community after all.

This would have the advantage that it could be all arranged well in advance, allowing the destruction to go ahead with not so much as a scratch to the local populace. In the days before the coming of the wreckers, the streets would be filled with parties and the merry laughter of children.

Hmmm... on second thoughts, no.

Mike's just a complete loon.

Anonymous said...

the good news is that the debt ceiling has been raised....probably and most likely not to help and compensate and restore the and find where the "new money after raising the debt ceiling" is going in bulk...Well.. ?

THE Orbs Whiperer said...

The debt ceiling has been temporarily raised to maintain Government spending at the current expenditure level, for the near term. US Bonds are in such high demand, that most bidders don't get their orders filled. As the recession deepens, negative interest rates will be charged on US Treasuries, just as they are currently being charged by foreign governments on theirs. Contrary to popular myth, the dollar isn't going to crash. It's only getting stronger, and more in demand, as commodities, such as oil, silver and gold, plummet. The term for that phenomenon, is 'Deflation'. The housing bubble will finally burst once and for all, with homes selling for ten cents on the dollar. Same for cars. Automobile loans are in default, with outstanding balances exceeding value. Eventually, there will have to be a tax on products produced by robots, whether domestic or imported, to provide for the general welfare, but the life of Star Trek is a long way off. Cash is king. Stuff some in your pants.

Anonymous said...


You din wrote dat!?

THE Orbs Whiperer said...

What do you think; John Cooper hacked my account?

THE Orbs Whiperer said...

Wallstreet has suffered fifty percent corrections, most recently in 2002 and 2009; why not now?

Anonymous said...

I got no opinion on the whos, no opinion on the hows, but answerin with two question say it all.

An I says whoeva wrote dis:

" THE Orbs Whiperer said...

... Contrary to popular myth, the dollar isn't going to crash. It's only getting stronger, and more in demand, as commodities, such as oil, silver and gold, plummet. ...

September 18, 2017 at 12:37 PM"

sure didn wrote dat:

" THE Orbs Whiperer said...

As James Concannon and Patrick are well aware, it's already been noted that Stuart, didn't evaluate Jim Berkland's predictions, which are based upon Perigee occurring concurrently with Syzygy, plus additional confirming indicators.

August 23, 2017 at 2:14 PM "

Gonna be another FiNews update nex week?

Anonymous said...

Wallstreet has suffered fifty percent corrections, most recently in 2002 and 2009; why not now?

QE 2? You can't see the correction, because it's on-going. America is de-paying its debts.

THE Orbs Whiperer said...

Sure, proceeds from Treasuries sales goes to prop up the market, but the middle class lives on credit so they can speculate in stocks. What happens when all the paper millionaires decide to take profits? Hell, for that matter, have you tried to withdraw any large amounts of cash from your bank account, lately? Not to overlook, Mexico sure got slammed today. Does anyone know where Asteroid 2012 TC4 is supposed to land on Columbus Day, and at what hour?

Anonymous said...

He also explained that hurricanes are GOOD because they create jobs.

Were that were true:

As the article correctly points out, there is a reason why hurricanes and the like are called "natural disasters" and not "natural bonuses." While it's true such events do temporarily create some new jobs, spending capital twice on the same things (e.g. rebuilding existing homes) results in a net loss because capital is being consumed without people ending up any better off. I doubt if Mike Bara would thank a glazier who heaved a brick though his front window with a note attached saying, "Only trying to create a job!"

(Is there a limit to how much US insurance companies can raise premiums? Katrina and Sandy inflicted $160 billion in damages combined and I would be surprised to learn they had been fully paid for as of 2017.)

If Mr. Bara thinks that consumers are not ultimately going to bear the costs of Harvey (current estimate: $190 billion), his knowledge of economics is very shallow indeed.


THE Orbs Whiperer said...

"Natural bonuses";THAT'S funny!

Maybe when Asteroid 2012 TC4 slams into the planet, it'll land in the Ocean, intact, to be recovered and discovered to be made of metal more precious than gold?

Mike Barass' a dipshit, and Shawn David Mortin's a crook, but there's a whole industry full of much bigger criminals who will be going to prison after the banking collapse, stock market crash, and real estate bubble burst.

THE Orbs Whiperer said...

Furthermore, everybody's noticed by now, but just for the record here, Fukushima just got hit with a 6.2 magnitude quake, as Puerto Rico gets slammed by a Cat 4 blow.

Anonymous said...

"... but there's a whole industry full of much bigger criminals who will be going to prison after the banking collapse, stock market crash, and real estate bubble burst."

Oohhh, Yeeeaaahh!!! Just like last time.

The bigger the crime, the easier it is to get away with it.

Anonymous said...

YoooHooo James....

There's clearly no correlation between the previous Full Moon syzygy Mexico quake and the latest two, New Moon syzygy quakes in Mexico and Japan...

So, how long does this pattern need to be apparent, before we can say there is a correlation?

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, America seems rather addicted to destruction, particularly when it's another country's assets that it's destroying. It has little grounds for complaint!

Economically speaking, "If ya can't beat 'em, destroy 'em" is obviously America's motto.

To me, it looks like the schoolyard bully just encountered someone much bigger and meaner.

I guess that makes Bara's comment a little less absurd.

Anonymous said...

To be more precise, last 2 days, >M6.0

Great Sizzling Syzygies!

85km NNW of Isangel, Vanuatu
2017-09-20 20:09:49 (UTC)
200.2 km

281km ESE of Kamaishi, Japan
2017-09-20 16:37:16 (UTC)
10.0 km

256km W of Auckland Island, New Zealand
2017-09-20 01:43:30 (UTC)
10.0 km

5km ENE of Raboso, Mexico
2017-09-19 18:14:39 (UTC)
51.0 km

All, around the Pacific Ring of Fire.

James Concannon said...

>>So, how long does this pattern need to be apparent, before we can say there is a correlation?<<

That's the wrong question. The right question is "Is this a totally new phomenon? Why do we see no correlation in the historical data?"

THE Orbs Whiperer said...

Most astute observation, James.

Wars and rumours of wars, famines, pestilences & earthquakes in divers places. All the beginning of 'SORROWS'.

Sorrows: the pain of childbirth, travail pain, birth pangs (As if contractions, increasing in frequency & intensity)

Two Percent said...

Woooo-An-woo-nym-Wooo-mous Ja-wooo-mes Con-wooo-can-wooonon sa-woooid...

>>So, how long does this pattern need to be apparent, before we can say there is a correlation?<<

That's the wrong question. The right question is "Is this a totally new phomenon? Why do we see no correlation in the historical data?"

That, James, is probably the most hyper-woo-po-criti-wooo-pi-cal thing I've ever seen you post! Congratulations. The month is not over but be honoured by an instant Woo-Award!

This attempt to suddenly teleport the goal posts must be the most pseudo-scientific comment here in eons.

Apparently, I should have first asked "What rhymes with YoooHooo?"

For a start, you have already (reluctantly) conceded that there is some (slight) correlation in the historical data. Now, you've reverted to "no correlation". That's common in dementia! Maybe you'd better go for a check up!

After that, maybe come back and explain why, after maybe 3 billion years of recognisable plate tectonics, the first question we should ask is "Is this a totally new phomenon [sic]?"

Gugl doesn't recognise that word, and offers only phenomenon, so let's go with that.

No, James. The Earth's Tectonic Plates have not suddenly become Lunatics, have not suddenly fallen under the Moon's mysterious spell.

I do agree, there may have been a change - the plate movements appear to have become much more sensitive to small changes in gravitational pull. And let's not overlook the recent weather as a possible factor. (Barometric tidal influences, anyone?) But this pattern is not yet real. We'll have to wait a little longer before we can say there's a definite correlation. That was the question I was asking:

Statisically Speaking, when can this pattern of possibly / probably random coincidences be considered a real correlation? I was hoping for something a little more scientific...

I mean, you have to put it in the proper context. Let's say, a million years. Or, if you'd like something sooner, let's say 1,000 years. Not two weeks.

To respond to your last question: "Why do we see no correlation in the historical data?"

Apparently, some of us do. But there are few so blind...

THE Orbs Whiperer said...

Jim Berkland would accurately predict several Earthquakes each month of varying magnitude; some Devastating - others not. As the frequency of Devastating Earthquakes had increased, the USGS changed the designation of Devastating from 6.4, increasing the minimum threshold to 7.2. Irrespective that historical data becomes skewed by such chicanery, the fact that the trend is changing, genuinely makes the historical data a dynamic subject.

James Concannon said...

>>Jim Berkland would accurately predict several Earthquakes each month of varying magnitude<<

As far as I know that is a hilariously incorrect statement

THE Orbs Whiperer said...

THE Orbs Whiperer said...

I've posted several links above to Jim Berkland's website and facebutt page. Here's another link to a list of results, along with a note from the site's, webmaster:

SITEMASTER'S NOTE: Scoring of close calls was done by me, in a way that I deemed as fair. If you have any difficulty with the method, please email me, Will Fletcher with your concerns. Thank you.
August 14, 2017 at 12:09 PM