Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A textbook case of intellectual dishonesty

        Just three short days after Mike Bara made us all retch by invoking the unspeakable horrors of Newtown CT to not only speak of the unspeakable but use it to promote his wretchedly inaccurate book, Mike has pushed the boundaries of bad taste yet further.

        Mike's Farcebook enclave today contains two items of interest — first, that his brother's dog had a successful shit in the park today. Second, this announcement. What do they have in common? The whiff of feces.

        I don't know who or what "conservative drink.com" is, and I don't intend to find out. This is dishonesty on the Goebbels scale.

        The Pearl High School Shooting happened on 1st October 1997. Yes, I heard about it. Yes, Joel Myrick confronted the shooter, Luke Woodham, and stopped the violence. BEFORE THAT, HOWEVER, Woodham had clubbed his mother to death, killed two students and injured seven others.

        Did we hear about this in the mainstream media? That depends on whether you count the New York Times, People Magazine, and CNN as mainstream media, I guess.


Tara Jordan said...

I feel bad for Mike Bara`s pet dog, the poor animal has to live with two professional jackasses,moral leprosy is contagious....

FlightSuit said...

As the following screen shot will show, somebody on our side is continuing to send personal messages to the people on Mike Bara's friends list:


Whoever is doing this should really stop. Bara is a creep and a liar and a fraud, but messaging his friends is something that will help him win in the court of public opinion, because it creates the impression that he is being harassed or defamed.

In fact, this reaching out to Bara's friends is so damaging to our cause that I'm almost tempted to wonder whether it's being done by somebody who's not really on our side?

A false flag operation, if you will?

The lie is different at every level.


FlightSuit said...

Furthermore, whoever's messaging Bara's friends should knock it off, because if you read Bara's comments, it's obvious he thinks the messages are coming directly from Expat.

Yes, any lawsuit filed by Bara would ultimately be without merit, but as a lawyer friend of mine likes to say, you can sue anybody for any reason.

So messaging Bara's friends is a great way of potentially creating a situation where Expat at least has to retain a lawyer to answer meritless charges.

Whoever's doing this should stop. Bara's friends are really, really stupid people, and you're not going to change their mind. Every message you send them is a gift to Bara, because it's ammunition for him to use.

Anonymous said...

The guy is beyond disgusting. How can he possibly sink so low as to imply that arming everyone will reduce killing people?

Yorkshire Pud

Tara Jordan said...

I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.Bara is a 50 yr old monstrosity,high school drop-out who writes absurdly childish books for retarded new agers & middle aged hippies. Hoagland is a sleaze master but at least he has originality,Bara is incapable of producing anything remotely entertaining & he knows it.As a consequence he is suffering from a persecution complex.It must be extremely difficult to live inside Mike Bara`s head,Porky knows he is a loser,nowhere to hide...

FlightSuit said...

Back on topic, why wouldn't Bara and people of is ilk propose solutions to gun violence that involve putting more guns into more people's hands? If his assumptions that seem intuitively right to him are an adequate replacement for evidence, data, and research in the realm of lunar anomalies, why wouldn't his assumptions that seem intuitively right to him also be an adequate substitute for evidence, data, and research in all things, including crime prevention?

Tara Jordan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
expat said...

Let's be clear -- Bara wrote that he's "assembling a legal action" against James Concannon, not me. Of course, he previously said he was preparing to file a restraining order against me too. Maybe he thinks we're the same person.

It's all blowing smoke -- he doesn't have the slightest hope of shutting this down. The First Amendment is my friend.

James Concannon said...

Somebody should tell Abby Bernard

She posted to the book of faces:

"Wow! I only know you from tv and Facebook but I can't imagine you resorting to gay bashing if someone doesn't agree with your point!"

Jiminy Oddbird said...

If Bara were to sue anyone, he would have to submit to cross examination without evasive insults.

Esteban Navarro said...

Merry Christmas to you all!!

harry starkers said...

If you look at misty parkers new "blog", you will notice "she" has made parody facebook pages of our host.What an screwed up rotten bitch.

expat said...

Yeah, I'm thinking of filing a restraining order (just kidding).

Jiminy Oddbird said...

Censor me here, all you like.

Merry Christmas to all you ginches.

harry starkers said...

you've got a lot of nerve posting here misty.The only way we can comment on your blog is to use a blogging ID.No anons or just names allowed.So shut your fascist mouth about being censored here,you 2 faced twat.shove your christmas greetings up your rotten old snatch.

Jiminy Oddbird said...

I just use the default settings. I can't be bothered to read the instruction manual to change them. Create any ghost account you wish.