It's been a hilarious couple of days on the Bara-Boo page. Mike appears to have cast himself as some kind of James Bond ultra-villain planning world domination but constantly thwarted by government agents. He wouldn't be stroking an angora cat though—our Mikey is a dawg man.
It started, as noted before, with "I
am going to utterly and completly [sic] destroy you"
Next we had "When I create a masterpiece such as this and smite my enemies, I love me some me...."
Then it was "Dear Dr. Robbins; I apologize. I thought you were just another dumbass like
expat. I had no idea you were actually a paid NASA shill."
Perhaps the most delicious was "HAHAHAHA Haters!!!!! I have you now. I shall be merciless*, and slow"
I'm serious. He really did write that.I had a little influence in the background, but I posted nothing to the page. Nothing at all, and James Concannon assures me that he didn't either.
Mike referred to this blog as "a blog by a psychopathic cyber-stalker." I want to assure you that I'm not a psychopath. Given that two of the official signs of psychopathy are egocentricity and "superficial charm," I would be inclined to point the finger in the reverse direction. As for "cyber-stalker," that sobriquet is really reserved for people who comb the outer reaches of cyber-space searching for the cute redhead in 8th grade who ignored them. I don't really see how it can apply to someone who protests that a published work is full of really horrible errors, and documents those errors carefully.
And, speaking of errors, there was one more hilarious quote from MB. "I can't let certain things go unchallenged if they are not true. And none of it is." As we know, challenging my accusations of error is exactly what Mike consistently refuses to do.
Mike now has a manager. Her name is Adrienne Loska. Since Mike refuses to respond to accusations of error, I'm hoping Adrienne will keep a list of them on his behalf.
* So far, "merciless" appears to mean posting an entirely erroneous picture proposing that pixellation of a digital image is caused by reducing it. D'oh!
That's correct -- I posted nothing. I did PM several of Mike's friends with a response to Mike's blog-post about the zombie ziggy. This was the response he refused to allow on the blog itself, so I felt it was fair to try and inform his readers directly.
My name is G. Francis DeMara, and, I've posted to your blog just twice before. As background, I am a clinical research statistician by profession and a composer/musician by heart. I've followed the sciences of physics and astronomy since I was a young man. I read voraciously on many subjects with a particular interest in our space exploration initiatives. As further background I will state that I am extremely conservative in all things, but particularly my Roman Catholic faith and my politics. I mention these things in the genuine hope that my utter refutation of Mike Bara's behavior might hold appropriate weight. I realize that he uses his (distorted version of) conservatism as a cudgel against his enemies, real or perceived. I also realize he uses insults, typically regarding sexual orientation, as his weapon of choice. I find each of these aspects of Mike's character repugnant and not in keeping with the philosophy of conservatism, that is, recognizing the inherent dignity in each person, that is, seeing God in everyone we deal with. Keep up the excellent work Expat and realize that even in the most erroneous opinion a small kernel of truth likely resides within.
Thanks, Francis. Repugnant is the word, indeed.
Good evening (gmt) ladies and gents. A big congratz to our very own Jimmy C. Who appeared today on a Fakeboo page "outing" trolls. JC is ranked #1 while my own bot Prrrys Ridiculouswig ambled home at an embarrasing #38. Difference being JC is a real person Perry is not.
I thought Prrys had some good points...
Mike's not so much a James Bond villain as he is an Austin Powers one. You know, the really nonthreatening (because he's completely incompetent) bad guy who's only purpose is to be laughed at. As to which one he might be (Dr. Evil, Mini-Me, or Fat B*stard), I leave that for others to decide.
Is it just me or is Mike is using fake accounts to prop himself up? Here's the kicker:
Adrienne Loska Ladies, I think we can all agree that someone who would post challenging and insulting statements and objections to Mike's wall via multiple FAKE Facebook accounts (which is not only dishonest and cowardly, but constitutes harassment), someone who would make defamation attempts by contacting Mike’s colleagues, friends and fans via private messages (which, in itself, is also harassment and is considered cyberstalking), and someone who would make invalid claims that Mike is using "hate speech" (which, based on the quote that was sent to me as an example by James Concannon, he is not guilty of according to the Facebook Terms of Service) - this is not the kind of guy who could sway our beliefs and opinions so easily, as was suggested. However, this is the guy who you step back from, who you are cautious with and whose motives should be questioned. Absolutely report James Concannon to Facebook if he has contacted you regarding Mike. It's one thing for someone to make an honest effort to challenge another's beliefs and claims, but it is another for him to commit slander, harassment and lie, all in an attempt to have his beliefs find a spotlight on Mike’s stage. And, James Concannon, whoever you are (and I am certain you are lurking out there under another assumed name), as Mike says, get your own blog. If you already have one and it’s not getting enough traffic, that’s your problem. Stop attempting to piggyback on Mike Bara's success. You are not welcome here. – MB MGMT
Yesterday at 7:53pm · Like · 3
Mike Bara I am so aroused right now...
Yesterday at 8:19pm · Like · 2
Now, if that was a real female standing up for me, I wouldn't be telling her I'm aroused by her. Not professional Mike.
Also I believe "Sara Shanae" and the other porn starlets with spiritual gifts, are also Mikey in drag. Maybe they're his Vegas strippers he so loves to brag about.
Just wait until some NRA nut decides to take out a NASA employee for "hiding the TRUTH" all because of Hoagie and Mike.
I don't think these two are exactly harmless. Stupid or incompetent is not the same as harmless.
*There's* a good point. I'm a profound believer in virtually unlimited free speech, and this doesn't mean Hoagland and Bara shouldn't have a right to spew their nonsense, but if you're teaching people that the entire government they're living under is attempting to undermine their freedom and construct a slave state around them, there are going to be a few nuts who think they should do something about it.
Timothy McVeigh (who, fittingly enough, Hoagland and Judy Wood think was framed by whoever actually used a torsion weapon against the Oklahoma City federal building) got into some pretty nutty New World Order idiocy during the years prior to 1995. Fine, Hoagland thinks he's doing hero's work. Whatever. I think he and Mike on a personal level aren't much of a danger. But he and Bara could someday set off an already-unbalanced conspiracy-minded nut, and at that point the mental danger of their nonsense becomes physical.
That Holmes fellow was an Egghead.
So, how would that happen if there are NO conspiracies?
I have a good friend who is currently being stalked. Two days ago she had to go to court to obtain a temporary restraining order against her stalker. I personally have been a victim of cyber-stalking that was serious enough for me to file a police report about it.
Mike Bara insults every stalking victim when he dilutes the meaning of the word "stalking" by throwing it around so loosely and using it to describe things that are not stalking.
I'm sure there are conspiracies. For example. Nobody will convince me building 7 fell into its own footprint at freefall because of what was essentially an office fire.
I remember Lockerbie very well. It's not far from where I was living. I know what a crashed airliner looks like. A lot different from the little hole made in the pentagon.
Would the USA use false flags. You bet they would, and they have. Their record in this are is quite astonishing.
I am not defending Hoagland or Bara, simply stating that there is an agenda at play. An agenda set out in the project for the new american century.
PNAC doesn't own Obama, yet Obama has a Death List with American names on it.
Mikey boy hasn't banned Perrys yet from his FB. His comments are still available for a reply. Cantra has been in there already this morning.
Hmmm, looks like there's been a little confusion between who's Catriona and who's Perrys...
(Here's another blog-comment that'll never be seen)
Tell me, Mike, what was it about the Call of Duty Zombies forum that persuaded you it was a reliable source for an author preparing MS for professional publication? Was it perhaps this post by bobzombie?
» Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:19 pm
to what er u refering too? My science teacher told me the info about the moon and she was pretty hot so i just accepted it. Too if theres any truth behind this idk just accepted it as second hand info. But i will look some stuff on the internet so i don't sound like a dumbass
As a rational, educated individual, I'm sure you'll agree that before you form an intelligent opinion on a matter in dispute you should hear both sides of an issue (i.e. before destroying Dark Mission point-by-point one must read Dark Mission).
That being the case, I've read the 2008 NIST report on the collapse of Building 7 and found it explained both the cause and dynamics of the collapse exceptionally well (the ultimate cause being the thermal expansion of structural elements that had not been modeled because no one had ever expected a high-rise fire to burn completely unchecked for seven hours). I am *sure* you are correct that the government has in play many classified projects of which the public knows nothing at all, but I believe based on the available evidence that 9/11 happened pretty much as we've been told it did.
Sorry to get off topic, and I'm absolutely not trying to ignite a screaming match on one of the most controversial subjects of this century, but there you go.
I had a hot english teacher. But she was into english and not mars.
I only take her boobs seriously.
Agree, this is not the place. Let's just agree to differ on that one mate.
Thankyou gentlemen. I was not relishing this blog becoming a 9/11 debating pit.
May be Uncle Mikey is using the reverse psychology to induce his books to sell. I mean call of duty forum? from a kid who can't write properly? talking about hot teacher? I think he wanted this move to be so controversial that we will flock to amazon to buy his crap.
Mikey looks like someone who will enter your home as a guest and steal your belongs. Sleazy looking disease collector.
another idiot in the scene that should be hunted with the same scrutiny hurled at mikey and hoagy..
Dr. Michael "uni-brow fraud" salla.
This is the picture of an alien that he has talked about and wants the public at large to believe.
Article on Hoagland
"Before this story broke, Michael Vara and I admired Richard Hoagland and had even asked him to be on the “Late Night in the Midlands” radio show."
Oh dear, another hotbed I'm not keen on getting into. That relates to Gary Leggiere, a.k.a. 'MarsRevealer' and his campaign to force Hoagland to reveal the source of certain additional "Mars face" images.
It's fairly plain to me that these were TV studio props incidental to the story. Gary gets very, very wild in his accusations and I'd rather just leave it to him.
I am wondering also about this COD forum. Would it be the place of choice to deposit a stolen NASA original. I think not. This entire zombie ziggy nonsense has decended into farce. Especially as Bara is now accusing Dr Robbins of being a NASA shill, after finding out Stuart is a real Ph.D.
This means Bara can now refuse to answer legitimate nukes on his "research." After all why should he respond to a shill in the employ of the murderous nazi freemasons and magicians who run NASA.
Mike responed to my Ph.D. rather differently. Calling me a homosexual and a douchebag. We are dealing with a vicious, jealous, little stoat. Not a man. He admitted to Cantra that he wasn't that good at maths. But recommended she read De Palma, Einstein, and others. So a man who by his own admission is shite at mathematics feels qualified to comment on the same subject while attempting to shoehorn his rubbish into their unfinished work.
Time for some emails to his management and yet again to his publisher.
What is the estimate time on the demise of these two clowns power of attention?
Can we say before the last leaves of autumn this year?
When will our forces weaken their stronghold...the hyper-dimensional lair?
"Rocket scientist" left this on my blog this morning:
Wow. I have never come across such a vitriolic blog about science in my life. Tell me this, what do you think this site actually achieves? Every other post is full of defensive rebuttals which are in part, brought on by an author who seems predisposed to ridicule any fact or belief that he hasn’t already pronounced an opinion upon himself. In short you are not convincing anyone, dear sir; you are merely reaffirming the suspicions of the layman, that scientists exist inside of cliquey little bubble where everyone tows the most conservative line, for fear of being seen as ‘different’. I am not on either side of the 2012 debate but don’t appreciate being told, ahead of time, that some snooty NASA scientist considers me ignorant or part of the great unwashed simply because I’m willing to entertain that the answers don’t all lie in the status quo. If you feel that confident about the truth that your facts point to, why not simply print them without all the vitriolic nastiness and let your readers decide?
There's a 2012 debate? LOL!
Stuart. Perhaps you should resond by calling him a homo douchebag. Just to show that NASA shills are not devoid of humour.
Yours in snootyness
A.N. Other Ph.D.
double post removed - yay captchas
The Gary Leggiere thing is interesting only in the sense that it's an example of Hoagland's conspiracy BS coming back and biting him in the ass. When you deal in a world (as in actively encouraging it) where "nothing is as it seems", you tend to attract the kind of people who find such a world appealing. For some of those people, the line between conspiracy guru and "dis-info agent" can be a very thin one. Encouraging other people's delusions can be a dangerous business.
It just keeps on getting better. Mike, today, answering Perrys who correctly quoted 'The Choice' on centrifugal force.
"Show me the quote asshole. It doesn't say that. And it was a misprint anyway. And none of it will matter in a few days when I blow you and all your other asshole friends out of the water. Get ready."
So, a) It doesn't say that, and b) it was a misprint.
It's not often I use ROFL but I will now.
Ray Davis. Just now. 9:25 GMT. Olympic closing ceremony.
Enough said.
Mike Bara
Friday near Auburn, WA
If any of my Facebook friends receive a message from a "James Concannon" or "Neville Parchemin" please report them to Facebook for harrassment. I understand one or both of them has already sent messages to all my Facebook friends attacking me and they are trying to get my account suspended. This is part of an organized campaign. Please block and report them. So far, only some of my female friends have reported getting messages from them, so be on the lookout.
These reports of "harrassment" appear to have been ineffective. I'm still there and so is Neville.
On the other hand, if there ever was a campaign to get Mike's account yanked (which I only heard as a rumor) that's obviously been equally ineffective. Mike continues to post, pushing himself further and further down the rabbit-hole. That latest one is a real beaut.
By implication, Mike is saying that it *does* matter to some degree right now.
I am very excited for this astonishing new revelation. Mike seems certain that it truly constitutes devastating evidence against his critics. Yet this new information apparently will not form a "centerpiece" of his new book; guess we passed that deadline over the past couple weeks. In any event, I hope it's not just an elaboration on the triangular spaceship. That didn't seem to cause much of a ripple. I'm really hopeful that Mikey tries to get all "these are the *real* laws of the universe" on us. I love it when he does that.
1. Expat - yeah, I saw that, too. So we have (a) it doesn't say that but (b) it was a misprint. Interesting how it can be both. Catriona pointed out the quote. I took a screenshot before it gets removed.
2. Yup, I got the quote: "And none of it will matter in a few days when I blow you and all your other asshole friends out of the water. Get ready." So maybe this is coming? I figured it might be one of those, "I'm going to keep saying I'm working on this until everyone forgets about it so that I don't have to do it" things.
In other news, I'm writing this up as a piece for the Skeptical Inquirer. I only have 1000-1200 words, and I'm at 1350 now, so hopefully Mike doesn't do anything else with it. Otherwise I may have to add ... but I'm going to hold off on submitting for at least two weeks just in case. The piece only spends around 300-400 words going over why the ziggurat is fake, the rest is spent on the reactions from Hoagland and Bara.
That the quote can be both a misprint and nonexistent is just evidence that Schrodinger's Cat works for the publishing industry. Of course I wouldn't expect Bara to actually know about the famous thought experiment nor the problems with the Copenhagen interpretation it was meant to illustrate. Perhaps Hoagland can explain it to him.
Speaking of the devil, I continue to wonder where the Sage of New Mexico is in all this. As the guy who started this thing, you'd think he'd want part ownership of issue. I actually expected this to be all over his FB page, but the issue doesn't even exist there. So while Bara descends into a bottomless pit of self-parody, Hoagland just watches from the shadows. Maybe he's hoping Bara will fail so he can pick up the issue afterwards.
I think we all ought to e-mail the Sage of NM saying "don't bother finishing that paper, we don't care any more."
Hey, he *said* he'd be slow! The man speaks truth!
As for Hoagland, past experience suggests he might not need to be told not to bother...
Mike Bara just got taken to the cleaners. In no small part by a group of ladies.
Loved his manager's response to Cantra. Who will by now be banned I am sure. This was a result.
Expat, Adreinne's response to Cantra is really pure comedy gold. It has it all mate. And yep...ROFL
Adrienne Loskaposted
4 hours ago near Tacoma, WA
I’m going to throw my two cents in here because Catriona’s comments in prior posts really don’t sit well with me. I don't think that Mike should be expected to repeat work that has already been done by Einstein, Kozyrev and DePalma. Mike is an engineer. As I understand it, engineering is the practical application of math and science to solve problems. Engineers test theories and then turn them int
o something practical that people can have access to and use. This is what Mike does. Of course, he understands the math. He's done the work he’s needed to do in order to reach his conclusions and because of his desire to share his knowledge and discoveries, he’s put his findings out there for everyone to see. By doing that he’s opened himself up to criticism, and that’s to be expected, but just because someone doesn’t understand something he has stated or they don't agree with a topic or concept of his, it doesn’t mean that he is obligated to explain it to them further. Catriona is urging Mike to prove his knowledge by writing a paper. I really don't get why she, or anybody else, would think that they have the right to throw homework assignments at him. It’s clear that she is simply interested in harassing him or trapping him into some kind of misstatement and to top it off, she’s doing it in a backhanded way. I think that Mike would be completely justified in blocking her and anyone else who persisted in this manner and my suggestion to Catriona is that it’s time for her to put on her big girl panties, realize that she’s lost this one, and move on. - MB MGMT
Adrienne does have a point: If you try to force Mike Bara to write a legitimate scientific paper, you will fail.
Mike "the stud" Bara is getting it in the hyperdimensional ass.
great work
I'm still not banned.
A response to Adrienne.
ok seriously somebody have to explain to me the joke with the centrifugal force!
Big thanks lass. You and the lassies did a sterling job in cornering the stoat-man. I've been bcc'd on some of the email broadsides from you girls. Man, you are scary ladies. I have to admit however, allowing myself to laugh a little inside at Mike being ripped apart intellectually by women. Since he clearly harbours such disrespect for your gender.
Finally got him on centrifugal force. Well done, I'd been trying for months and got nothing but douchebags and accusations of being homosexual in return.
The "joke" regarding centrifugal force isn't really a joke. Although I can see why a newcomer to the blog would think that. But there is a whole background to this.
Mike Bara wrote on page 32 of "The Choice," that, "If it weren't for the Moon's calming influence the Earth would spin so fast that centrifugal forces would most likely squash us like pancakes."
Let me explain in simple terms why this is wrong, and apologise in advance if you already understand why this is wrong.
Centrifugal force acts outwards from the centre of a rotating body such as the Earth. Remember being on a roundabout when you were a kid. That feeling that the roundabout wanted to throw you off.
That is centrifugal force. It is exactly what the Earth is trying to do, throw us off the planet, but luckily for us gravity counteracts this and we remain "stuck" to her surface.
Hence centrifugal force tends to make us lighter not heavier, and if the Earth's rotation speeded up we would become lighter still. Not heavier. Mike make a non trivial mistake here, that he is now trying to say (after months of silence) that, he didn't say that, and that it was a misprint. Yet another non trivial mistake. If he didn't say that, how can it possibly be a misprint.
I'm an engineer, not a planetary scientist, but I would guess that if the Moon disappeared the Earth WOULD spin faster, and centrifugal forces would be increased. Mike is correct in saying that. He is however utterly wrong in his assertion that we would become heavier. Indicating that he knows nothing about physics.
Yet he claims to have proof positive that the laws of physics don't exist and that we (engineers, physicists, mathematicians and scientists) are all scared to death of the truth. And indeed are blithering idiots.
I apologise again should you have understood the above in the first place.
Kind Regards
Derek James Eunson
He booted Perry. I knew that would happen. So I cannot even see his page anymore. I cannot understand why Cantra is still there. Perhaps because she is a woman, and Mikey boy thinks he might be in with a shout. What a hoot.
Thanks Derek,
I guess there is a sense that anyone can write a book now a days.
Hi Anon,
You are most welcome mate. I would totally agree with you regarding your idea that anyone can write a book these days. Expat has penned several. Proper books mind you. That's why as an author he is horrified to see such complete balderdash as Hoagland and Bara write ever having found a publisher.
No technical editor, for both financial and nefarious reasons.
Do you really think a world famous astronomer and planetary scientist (Hoagland) and an experienced aerospace engineer (Bara) need a technical editor? Surely such an addition to the publication process would be frivolous at best, as such a person would have nothing to add beyond an actual understanding of math and science. Do you really believe any sane publisher would burden him/herself with such luxuries?
Since at this point we're talking about publishing books ATM ... anyone know if publishing an effective anthology of my podcast transcripts is something to do? I listen to Skeptoid podcast and he seems to publish a book every ~100 episodes that's just a conglomeration of those episodes. Just something I've been wondering about in the back of my mind.
Astroguy: Self-publication is all the rage in this e-Book era. There are plentiful resources for the would-be self publisher. I'll send you some privately.
You are SUCH a cynic. In qualifying that I will add that I am still peeing myself laughing.
What a bloody good idea. Really mate. You have a "printworthy" blog/podcast thing going on. (I may have made that word up by the way.)
In print would be very acceptable. I'd shell out a few bob and buy it. Expat will confirm that a Scot and his cash are not easily parted. What more can I say mate ?
Except that copper wire was invented by two Scotsmen arguing over a penny.
I rest my case.
Cheers mate
sobriquet? channeling your inner "V"? LOL.
grrr damn captcha!! sorry triple post ftl!
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