Thursday, March 26, 2009

A refresher course in rocket equations

        Over on the "official" Dark Mission blog, Mike Bara has been urging his followers and Hoagland-sycophants to tune in to two recent interviews featuring himself. The interviews were conducted, respectively, by Skylaire Alfvegren of UFO Examiner and Regina Meredith of The Conscious Media Network. It's clear that neither of these ladies has any comprehension of science — but since the ideas and propositions of Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara have nothing in common with science anyway, that's spookily appropriate and probably harmless enough.

        The text interview with Alfvegren is full of hilarity such as Mike Bara confusing the initials ISS (for International Space Station) with Isis, a God of Egyptian mythology. The video with Meredith shows us Mike in fuller confusion, asserting that "everyone who IS anyone at NASA" is either a Nazi, a Freemason, or a follower of Aleister Crowley (I'm not making this up, sadly).

        I was personally distressed to notice that he's apparently still unaware that Hoagland's thesis titled Von Braun's Secret is based on mathematics that would shame a high school math student. I must have notified him of this about ten times since he first endorsed the totally erroneous theory. I posted yet another reminder to the blog, but of course it never saw the light of day. Mike Bara considers the darkmission blog "sycophants only." FWIW, here's my brief text.

Mike, you dolt, you've completely swallowed Hoagland's faulty math in "Von Braun's Secret." I thought you were supposed to be an engineer!!


* The Tsiolkovsky equation CANNOT be applied to three rocket stages all at once. It MUST be applied stage by stage. That's the whole point of rocket staging, really, Mike.

* Hoagland utterly failed to evaluate the logarithm in the equation.

For a rigorous dismantling of Hoagland's math, refer to this prior blog post.


Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Anonymous said...

How come this blogger named "Brother Love" have never blogged here, at the official DM blog, or at the

Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey! The madman is back!

Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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expat said...

To other people reading this blog:
I'm sorry that Biological Unit has hijacked the comments on this thread.

Unlike the official "Dark Mission" blog, this forum is open to everyone.

Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...

Theories and Observations

Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Biological_Unit said...
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Marie said...

Dear Expat, I did not know you had a blog. I need to come again and read your posts carefully. Je dois reconnaître mon ignorance, je ne comprends pas grand chose aux sujets dont vous débattez.

expat said...

Bonjour Marie! I've written to you privately, attempting to make this weird blog comprehensible.

Biological_Unit said...
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expat said...

Biological_Unit: Would you mind confining your comments to something resembling the current topic?

Blog-flooding is not considered polite. Thanks.

Biological_Unit said...
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expat said...

Biological_Unit: I deleted your last two posts because I felt they were deliberately provocative and they were both nowhere near on-topic.

Blog-flooding is not considered polite. Thankyou.

Biological_Unit said...

they were deliberately provocativeDon't you have an Equation to solve ?

Marie said...

Expat, I have read your message. Unfortunately enough, when I work on my laptop as is the case tonight, Thunderbird does not open the messages I have already read on my big computer. I can't access my addresses either. I will answer you tomorrow. Merci beaucoup pour les explications. C'est vraiment très étrange :-)))

Biological_Unit said...

I'm gud at Maf

Biological_Unit said...

As Sir Fred Hoyle put it, today the pressure is on to “do what aging gurus tell them to do, which is nothing” and simply build on the consensus those gurus have established. A fellow Australian, Stephen Crothers, has shown mathematical theorists to be remarkably unintelligent and sloppy in the application of their talent to physical problems.

Biological_Unit said...

Funny Stuff from Mars Retarded:

Look, Hoagland even says we must use BRIGHTENING SKILLS, CONTRAST STRETCHING ETC...! That means you use your MIND!

Anonymous said...

I thought the deal was that sun-seeking Brits would go to Australia ... and leave California to the Mexicans and New Yorkers.

Good to see a sheep dog is keeping the Bara-coyote in line ...